Organise and structure your Networking Guru activity

I spend more than 70% of my day on phone, mail or chat, discussing and explaining about actions to be done

organiser son activité de networking guru

Your issues as a Networking Guru

Identification and rapid resolution of issues

Fluidify the flow of information and help solve potential problems of your interlocutors


Make your co-workers aware of their responsibilities

Optimized communication

Sharing the right information to the right person

Customized reporting

Easily pilot your activity by project or by team

Overview of your activity

Gain visibility on your actions

With Beesy, focus the vision of your activity and consolidate all your data on a single platform

Organiser et consolider son activité au quotidien

Consolidate your information and facilitate collaborative work with Beesy

Facilitate note-taking and information collecting

Track your actions as well as your co-workers’

Centralize your communication

Manage your teams and projects


Centralize your information and action plans

Define action plans as well as priorities of your activity and pilot all your projects in a collaborative mode


Easy note-taking

Take your notes in an email, on OneNote or in Beesy and export in 1 clic your action plans ready to be sent to all your colleagues


Updated to-do list in real time

From a Teams chat, from an email or from Beesy, you can add or delete actions, modify deadlines or change level of priorities of your tasks.


Improve communication with your co-workers

Avoid synchronisation meetings and easily find any relevant information regarding you or your teams. Decrease the number of email sent and centralize important messages on the platform


Easily contact your interlocutors again

With Beesy, you can view in a few seconds where your teams are and do follow-ups with them in 1 click


Get reports on your activity

Obtain customized, automated and professional reports to monitor the progress of your work with your team


How to consolidate information related to your business?

Manage your meetings

During a meeting, you can take notes that ill directly be transformed into meeting minutes forwarded to all the attendees.

Manage your mailbox

Forward important email to Beesy. Our solution generates acrtion plans, assign tasks to your co-workers and centralized all your data on a single platform.

What can I do with my Beesy chatbot in Microsoft Teams?

Are you talking using Teams’ instant chats? Then you can ask our Beesy chatbot to generate actions and tasks, to send you previous meeting minutes or recurring meeting notes…From active cards, you can modify in real time any data related to your tasks


Some tips to conduct efficient meetings

Automate meeting minutes

Create meeting minutes gathering all action plans and decisions that were taken during your meeting. Share those meeting minutes to all the attendees to better comprehend the next steps of your project.

Distinguish urgent from important

Prepare an agenda and precise goals to determine who is essential to the project and who should be present at your meeting. Everyone should know their part and know what they have to do.

Established action plans

Analyze results by regularly reviewing everyone’s progress. Evaluate tasks that were completed between 2 meetings to increase your efficiency and better prepare your next meetings.

Involve your participants and stay focused on your goals

Regularly go round the table to get everyone’s point of view, which will encourage everybody’s overall involvement. Summarize discussions and decisions that were taken to stay focused on the agenda.


See the relevant data for your activity management in one place and in real time.

A synthetic view of your activity

Get visibility into your task achievement in real time thanks to your Beesy Dashboard and identify in a few seconds milestones, risks and decisions regarding your activity

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Dashboard to plan and manage your activity

Create an activity report adapted to your needs with your customizable filters

In your dashboard, you have a multitude of filters that allow you to create your custom activity views.

Quickly identify risks, overdue causes or sticking points.

Dashboard Beesy 2 - working from home

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Manage individual meetings with collaborators / partners / suppliers


Beesy allows you to make individual and recurring progress meetings with an exhaustive action plan

People - working from home

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A smart assistant to manage your reports on demand

To better visualize your daily activity, use performing reporting tools with the Beesy Chatbot.

Thanks to its Artificial Intelligence, you can get on-demand reports, such as:

  • Specific reports regarding one of your projects
  • One of your team member’s action plan
  • Your tasks of the day, your overdue or urgent actions…
  • People you need to call

chatbot Beesy automatise le reporting

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A tool that changed my professional life, giving me serenity, productivity and one step ahead!

P. Souyris

Executive Director, Institut de Genech

With Beesy, my activity reporting went from taking 1 week to generate to 4 hours.

J-P. Piques

Global Product Line GM, Honeywell


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I’ve long believed that speed is the ultimate weapon in business. All else being equal, the fastest company in any market will win. Speed is a defining characteristic—if not the defining characteristic—of the leader in virtually every industry you look at. In tech, speed is seen primarily as an asset in product development. Hence the “move fast and break things” mentality, the commitment to minimum viable products and agile development. Many people would agree that speed and agility are how you win when it comes to product. What they fail to grasp is that speed matters to the rest of the business too—not just product. Google is fast. General Motors is slow. Startups are fast. Big companies are slow. It’s pretty clear that fast equals good, but there’s relatively little written about how to develop the institutional and employee muscle necessary to make speed a serious competitive advantage. “

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