New in Beesy – A Calendar view and Multi-project Note

April 28, 2023

By David

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Our goal at BeesApps is to offer businesses complete, fully customizable management tools that will make it easier to manage activities and increase team productivity. This month, we have the pleasure of introducing a host of brand-new features to the dashboard that will make it easier to animate and manage team activity.

A new calendar widget

Our new Beesy feature adds to our list of widgets that enable better visual management. A round of applause for the….Calendar. 👏

The calendar joins widgets like the activity-specific weather forecast and the pie chart to complete your board’s in report. It can also be customized to your preferences using the various filters. With this new widget, it’s easier for you and your team members to schedule tasks and deadlines, making organization even simpler.

Multi-Project Notes for Optimal Action Plan Tracking

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new feature on Beesy: the ability to simultaneously create notes for multiple projects.

This update provides our users with the ability to create notes that consolidate the complete tracking of action plans for selected projects, thus optimizing their management and organization. Indeed, she will give you the ability to create a single and unique project management note with all kinds of information about each project, such as completed tasks or time spent on each activity. You can also attach additional documents to your note to ensure that it is always up to date and easily accessible for all the team.

Multi-project notes allow you to group all information and actions related to multiple projects in one place. You’ll no longer need to navigate between different notes to track your projects’ progress. This centralization will help you save time and improve efficiency.

Comité de pilotage de vos projets

Interesting Use Cases

Management of interdependent projects: Multi-project notes are particularly useful when working on interdependent or complementary projects. You can track the progress of all these projects and anticipate any potential difficulties or synergies.

Tracking team or department projects: This feature is also interesting for managers who want to track the progress of their team or department projects. By consolidating information in a multi-project note, they can easily assess performance and identify bottlenecks.

Reporting and communication: Multi-project notes facilitate the creation of reports and the communication of results to stakeholders. You can share project progress in a clear and concise manner, promoting understanding and engagement from everyone involved.


In the creation of your multi-project notes, you can also choose to generate the note only for the actions you have created.

Simply specify your name in the “Actions created by” parameter:


Capture decran 2023 04 26 a 10.56.18 - calendar widget

What is also new in Beesy


1 – You can duplicate across multiple projects actions with sub-tasks, comments, and documents .

2 – Dans vos notes , les actions dupliqués sur plusieurs projets ou plusieurs personnes sont regroupés pour faciliter la cloture de l’ensemble de vos actions en 1seul clic.
Actions dupliquees - calendar widget

3 – Check out our new shortcuts for creating notes from the previous note with just one click.

Capture decran 2023 05 04 a 09.32.29 - calendar widget
Capture decran 2023 05 04 a 11.47.50 - calendar widget
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