a virtual assistant integrated into your daily tools
to simplify the management of your activity

Why install your smart virtual assistant?

Chatbot Beesy AI

Without changing your habits

No need to connect to Beesy, to communicate with your collaborative activity management platform and manage your action plans.

Install the Beesy Chatbot to communicate directly from your daily tools.

Chatbot Beesy AI

Minimum learning

Communicate in natural language with Beesy. Talk to Beesy as if he were one of your collaborators.


Chatbot Beesy AI

An Artificial Intelligence that understands you

The intelligent assistant understands your exchanges, analyses them, structures your data and stores them in the right project without any effort for you.

This feature adds a layer of Artificial Intelligence above the Beesy service platform:

– Write meeting minutes from an email or Word document

Track actions, for a person and/or in a particular project from your instant messaging

Manage action plans by date or date range from your messaging systems

Format email reports for people or projects on time slots 

Prepare individual point and project steering committees meetings directly from your mailboxes

Requests are expressed in natural language, for example:

“what do I have to do today?”

“what is David’s schedule tomorrow?”

“do me the synthesis of the project NameOfYourProject”

“prepare for me the meeting with Chris”

“I have to launch the product next Monday.”

“Dina has to set up the meeting with the client by next Tuesday.”

Install your Chatbot on your daily tools

From your instant messaging

To exchange via Skype, Slack or Microsoft Teams instant messaging, simply add the “Chatbot Beesy” contact to your account by clicking on the links below.

Then, regardless of the instant messaging used, send a first message to the Beesy contact, who will send you a code to link your Beesy account, copy and paste this link and send it in a message to your Beesy Chatbot. Now, you can chat!

Create your actions directly from your email, for example “send comments of the XX presentation for tomorrow’s Marketing project”

The Beesy assistant will analyze this to identify the owner, dates, project and type of action.


→ In one sentence, get a follow-up on your action plans:

        “My outdated actions of today.”

        “My current actions”,

        “Give me the actions of the NAME-PROJECT project”…

TEAMS instant messaging
  1. Find our Beesy application from the Microsoft AppSource store and in the Microsoft Teams application
  2. Allow Microsoft Teams’ confirmation of opening
  3. Send a message to the Beesy contact in Teams
  4. Click on the link to get the PIN code and activate the option
  5. Send the PIN code in the conversation with Beesy (be sure to retype the PIN code correctly)

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The current configuration of your Teams may block the sending of messages to the Beesy Chatbot, so you need to change some of the Teams settings to be able to communicate with the Beesy Chatbot.

To know the specific procedure for configuring Teams to activate Chatbots, click here.

SKYPE instant messaging
  1. Click on the URL
  2. Add Beesy in contact
  3. Follow the instructions
  4. Send a message to the Beesy contact
  5. Click on the link to obtain the PIN code
  6. Send the PIN code as a message to Beesy

connexion bot skype 1 - chatbot beesyCapture d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran 2018 05 22 %C3%A0 13.56.49 - chatbot beesy

SLACK instant messaging
  1. Click on the URL:
  2. Allow identity confirmation on BeesApps
  3. Send a message to the Beesy contact in Applications
  4. Click on the link to get the PIN code and activate the option
  5. Send the PIN code in the conversation with Beesy

connexion bot slack 1 - chatbot beesyCapture d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran 2018 05 22 %C3%A0 14.06.45 - chatbot beesy

From your emails


To exchange by email with Beesy, go to your web application in “My account” > click on “Download” to import the Beesy AI Assistant contact.

Chatbot Beesy AI

Then import this contact form into your email contacts.


To start an email conversation with your Chatbot, simply send an email to your “Beesy AI Assistant” contact. 

You can converse with him by simply replying to the email and typing your requests into the body of the message.


→ Forward an email to Beesy without changing anything to track an email. You will have the email and documents attached. If you put the action to be performed in the body of the email, the Beesy assistant will analyze this to identify the owner, dates, project.

→ Send yourself a reminder by email simply by putting a task in the subject and specifying if necessary the associated project.

→ Send an email to create several actions at once and ask Beesy to make a note of it to follow the action plan.

→ Ask for a report to be written by sending the note in the body of the email and asking to create a report with the name of the note in the subject.

To use Beesy under better conditions, insert a signature in your mailboxes


On Outlook, the format of the transfers is not always the same, depending on the email you received. To make exchanges with Beesy IA 100% reliable, do this manipulation which takes less than 1 minute:

– create a new email
– in the window that appears, click on insert a signature
– choose the Signature menu at the bottom of the list

2 possibilities are available to you:

1) You already have a signature, just add – – – – – Original message – – – – –  at the end of your signature, below (all attached).
2) You don’t have a signature, create one and just add – – – – –  Original message – – – – –

Then select the text you have added and choose the white color for the text – – – – – Original message – – – – – so that it is no longer visible in the signature. Make sure that this signature is selected for answers and transfers.

Chatbot Beesy AI

And here we are, thanks to this configuration, Beesy is sure to be able to identify your complete requests in your emails.

Once the configuration details are completed, you just have to start using Beesy!

1. Add the people you will be working with

To start working in collaborative mode with your team and to be able to delegate or receive actions, you must first create your contacts. To do this, nothing could be easier:

  1. go directly to the Person tab of your Beesy
  2. click on “add a person”: you can either create a new contact or import your contacts from LinkedIn, Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo…

Once you have created the people you can start working in collaborative mode and create projects.

2. Create your projects

Before you can manage several projects with your teams you will have to create your projects in Beesy. For that, nothing complicated:

  1. go to the Project tab of your Beesy
  2. click on “add a project”: you will be able to add your new projects by creating names, priorities and even select objectives (also previously created).
  3. you can either create the project and keep it private, or share it directly with the team members you will be working with
  4. then, all you have to do is add notes, actions, decisions, etc.

Would you like to see Beesy in action?