How to manage your projects

STEP 1 : The creation of your goal with 2 clicks

First of all, let’s create your first goal :


1. Click on the + button

2. Click on « Add goal»

3. Write your goal name

3bis. Choose the priority

4. Click on « Create»

Add a goal
Add a goal name

STEP 2 : Add easily your projects in your goals

Once the goal created you can add all your projects on it! Every projects without a goal selected will be placed in the goal by default. Now, let’s create a project:


  1. Click on the + button
  2. Click on « add project»
  3. Write your project name
  4. Click on «In Goal » and click on the goal name you have created
  5. Click on « Create »
Add a project
Ajouter un nom au projet

STEP 3 : Share your project

Once the project created, you can share it with your collaborators

  1. Click on the sharing icon
  2. Click on your contacts to select them
  3. Click on  « Share »
  4. The icon turn into a green color according to the project/goal shared
Share button
Shared contacts
Shared Projects

STEP 4 : Add actions

You can directly add tasks, calls, document concerning a client, you don’t have to create a note to do that :


1.Select the project
1bis : The project is mentionned up

2.Click on the action type (for instance Task)

3.Write the detail of the action

4.Contextualize the action : Priority / Deadline / Owner / Close

Add actions

STEP 5 : Attach your actions to your Notes

Meetings are often the best way to manage action plans and consolidate your data. It is now possible to integrate your actions, your emails, your ideas. By editing the action, you can move it in an existing Note and then in one of the topics.


  1. Click on the action icon or « … » to get action details
  2. Edit « Note »
  3. Select the Note
  4. Select a topic
  5. Click on the Note name to be redirected to the Note tab
page action projet en - Projects
choix note sujet en - Projects

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