The Lab’

The manager of tomorrow: the “enhanced” manager

Developing a company by integrating new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence requires above all the evolution of the manager himself. With the development of Artificial Intelligence in many sectors such as IT, technology and telecoms (59%), business services...

Digital Notes VS Handritten Notes

Digital Notes VS Handritten Notes For productivity purpose, the digital evolution of the work environment and tools have brought undeniable advantages and brings together the physical and digital world.Digital Notes Typing out notes improves later recall. You might...

6 issues of the Impact of Information Technology on Business

The 6 Today Issues of the Impact of Information Technology on BusinessThere is an ICT revolution taking place in our society and, by extension, in the workplace. However this revolution isn't a punctual change of our Civilization but a progressive evolution. As a...

5 Smart Ways To Use Sticky Notes

Sticky notes   Have you ever been in the situation where you are overwhelmed with work and projects that you can not get your thoughts straight?Professionals love using Sticky Notes because they are a simple way to take notes. They’re a great ways to brainstorm,...