Our goal at BeesApps is to offer businesses complete, fully customizable management tools that will make it easier to...

by David | Sep 23, 2024 | Management & Productivity
AI Meeting Notes: Unlocking Business Productivity Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly reshaping the business world, turning time-consuming tasks into springboards for innovation and growth. Among the many areas feeling this impact, meeting management and...by David | Apr 28, 2023 | Beesy News
Our goal at BeesApps is to offer businesses complete, fully customizable management tools that will make it easier to manage activities and increase team productivity. This month, we have the pleasure of introducing a host of brand-new features to the dashboard that...by David | Jan 24, 2023 | Beesy News
Create or update your meeting notes, directly from your activity tracking Reports At the same time as you track your KPIs on a project, you can update the action plan of your meetings, and follow the progress directly on your reports. You can also create a new meeting...by David | Nov 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
On Beesy, if a note is associated to an Outlook meeting via a Microsoft Teams link, you can attend the meeting directly by clicking the Rejoin Meeting button on the note’s properties.At BeesApps, our goal is to provide companies with complete and fully...by David | Feb 16, 2022 | Beesy News
One of the manager’s missions is to distribute the workload efficiently and fairly among his collaborators and to ensure that the activity is carried out on time. The workload plan is an interesting tool to efficiently manage your activity. It could be done by...Boostez la performance de votre activité en pilotant vos décisions stratégiques et comités de direction.
Gérez vos processus de vente et pilotez la mise en oeuvre de votre stratégie commerciale.
Etablissez vos priorités d’actions, pilotez votre activité et managez vos équipes en toute sérénité.
Agrégation des infos des outils métiers pour piloter ses collaborateurs et son activité dans Teams
Pilotez vos recrutements, vos processus internes pour faciliter le quotidien des équipes et des collaborateurs
Pilotage des missions ponctuelles avec votre équipe et résolution des problématiques Client
Gérez vos projets de A à Z, du comité de pilotage, de la gestion des tâches en mode collaborative au reporting projet.
Pilotez vos chantiers et intervenants en maitrisant vos délais. Gérez vos réunions de chantiers.
Suivi des concessions en Temps réel et pilotage de leur stratégie commerciale. Reporting automatisés
Suivi points de vente, déclinaison de la stratégie commerciale mensuelle, reportings simplifiés
Suivez vos agences, pilotez l’efficacité de vos commerciaux, obtenez des bilans de votre activité
80% du temps en réunions ? Rendez-les plus productives et économisez votre temps !
Vous échangez, communiquez constamment...Visualisez votre activité et toutes vos données
80% du temps en COPIL à vous assurer de l'avancement des projets ? Retrouvez nos astuces pour rester efficace
Souvent en déplacement ? Gérez votre activité et votre temps en mobilité avec Beesy
Présentation de l'ensemble des fonctionnalités de Beesy, de la prise de note en passant par la gestion de tâche au collaboratif
Une solution intégrée à votre environnement Microsoft pour le pilotage de vos objectifs en mode collaboratif
Mettre en place une solution de télétravail avec vos collaborateurs grâce à Beesy intégrée à Microsoft Teams
Ce cas d’usage Beesy vous donne des conseils et astuces pour organiser votre journée et dépiler votre to-do list.
Learn how to get started & use all the Beesy features
With our tips and tricks you will be able to take advantage of Beesy’s full potential.
Apr 28, 2023 | Beesy News
Our goal at BeesApps is to offer businesses complete, fully customizable management tools that will make it easier to...
Jan 24, 2023 | Beesy News
Create or update your meeting notes, directly from your activity tracking Reports At the same time as you track your...
Dec 15, 2022 | Management & Productivity
Participative Management is a concept that emphasizes the involvement and participation of the team in decision making...
Boost your activity performance with Beesy. Increase efficiency with a collaborative solution dedicated to business. Manage your meetings
In addition to your CRM, manage your sales processes, drive your sales strategy implementation.
Build, scale and streamline processes. Manage your teams.
Get time to be focus on your most important goals
Superboost your Microsoft office 365 tools : Beesy the smart data aggregator from different tools to manage teams and the entire activity.
Plan, Track and Manage your projects : from the steering committee, collaborative task management to project reporting.
Exceed your customers’ expectative. Manage your missions, transform your collaborators’ productivity and automate your processes with Beesy
Honeywell Customer TestimonialStructure all processes within a common platform and facilite the...
Accenture Client Testimonial "I make my life easier by taking meeting notes and by keeping...
Soulard François - Web agency manager François, Web agency manager, has kindly agreed to answer...
Apprenez certaines astuces pour tirer tout le potentiel de Beesy.
Apr 28, 2023 | Beesy News
Our goal at BeesApps is to offer businesses complete, fully customizable management tools that...
Jan 24, 2023 | Beesy News
Create or update your meeting notes, directly from your activity tracking Reports At the same time...
Dec 15, 2022 | Management & Productivity
Participative Management is a concept that emphasizes the involvement and participation of the...