What it takes to become Entrepreneur

For those of you who are not aware of it, I did decide to become entrepreneur 2 years ago. I had spent 13 years working for small and large companies, I learnt a lot but I decided I had to try something new. It’s been now 12 months that I’ve been working...

Anyone is 4 person away from you

Following @Pierre_Paperon tweet a while ago, awesome article from Facebook themselves discussing the famous Milgram’s (social psychologist) experiment about the number of people you need to connect yourself to anyone in the world. The first theory of this social...

Best day to launch an App: Sunday !

Interesting research to recommended day to publish an App on the AppStore or Android.        Contrary to popular belief, it’s not during week days but on Sunday.Basically, they had a look at how many apps starting on a day will be featured in the TOP 240 ranking...

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