Too much emails! Are emails the right tool for teamwork?

65% of employees check their emails every 5 minutes, receive more than 100 of them and send 33 on average per day. It is a real challenge to find something with such an amount of information.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a solution to:

  • Easily find informations
  • Follow in real-time the achievement of action plan
  • Easily report on

=> A collaborative tool to centralize the information on your action plans : all meetings, all actions and achievement for those actions, directly updated by your team.

How does it work?

1. I create my project and I share it with my team

My team can reach all the information for this project : action plans, documents, sketches…

save 15 minutes per meeting
save 15 minutes per meeting

2. Get organized by defining actions to do and set the owner

Tasks are automatically assigned to a team member.
This way, action ownership is clearly defined and shared with my team.

With Team, easily assigne actions to a team member:

  • Add actions to
  • Assign actions to one of your contact
  • Contacts will automatically receive actions
  • This automated process is based on the email address you added in Beesy
save 15 minutes per meeting

3. I manage my project through meetings, every notes will be shared with the whole team.

The team will have a vision on every decisions and actions discussed during meetings.
They will access this information in real-time with no need to search in their emails, grouped project by project.

save 15 minutes per meeting

4. I am automatically informed about achievements or updates related to my action plan

Each time a Team user modify an action in you action plan, it is automatically updated in your app.

No more need to run after somebody to have an information before a project meeting or to prepare your project review.

save 15 minutes per meeting

5. I follow my achievements through my reports

The project view allow you to have a global vision on all decisions, actions, and documents which were set up during meetings and to know their achievement progress.

You can send a project summary listing completed and opened actions in just a single click.

save 15 minutes per meeting

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