, the Best Tool for Delegating Tasks lets you Create and Assign Actions to People Notes are made of Actions: Notes are taken adding Actions such as Tasks, Comments, Ideas, Deadlines, Attachments, etc.
These Actions can be assigned to People with Priorities.
With the Task Assignment, helps you delegating Tasks and therefore managing your Team.

Delegating Tasks is fundamental to manage a Project or/and a Team. While it requires Trust and Communication skills, having a Productivity App that allows an easy way to delegate Tasks online makes this process easier and less Time-Consuming.

Create and Assign up to 50 Actions/Month with Free or get Unlimited Creation, Assignment and Sharing with Sync.

Sync all your Actions and those assigned to Collaborators

With Sync, your Beesy data, including the Actions you create, is synced between your iPad and Web App. This way, your Actions and the Task Assignments you’ve done can be browsed from any device.

The synchronisation is done automatically every 15 minutes or can be done manually using the Sync button.

delegating tasks

Assign an Action with its Context

When you assign an Action to a collaborator, you also share its context. Assigned Actions go beyond a simple shared ToDo List. As a matter of fact, if you assign an action to a Beesy user he will receive it within his Beesy with all the elements related. The actions will appear with their related structure. For example, if he is assigned from a Note of a Project with a document attached, then the assignee will receive the actions and the document attached within the same Note and Project (created automatically).

However, when you assign an Action you don’t automatically share the whole Project or Note.

If you are willing to share a complete Note or a Project you have to subscribe to Team and use the Collaborative Note or Collaborative Project Feature.

Create an Action from the Note Tab and make a Task Assignment

There are different ways to do a Task Assignment. You can do it from any Beesy tab (Notes, Actions, People and Project).

However, the best way to make a Task Assignment is doing it from the Notes Tab.
At a meeting for example, you have set the participants (displayed on the bottom left of the interface) and you are taking notes adding Actions.
Whenever you want to assign an Action to a participant of the meeting you just have to Drag & Drop his name from the Participant section to the Action you want to assign. This way, the assignment of Actions, and therefore delegating Tasks, is made dynamically while taking notes.

Assign an Action from the People and Project Tabs

You can make a Task Assignment from the Project Tab. To do so, you first have to go to the Project Tab, select a Project and click on an Action to add one. Then, you just have to click on the Trigram on the right of the Action bar to select the Collaborator you want the Action to be assigned to.

Furthermore, when you assign an Action to a Beesy user from the Project Tab, he will receive it in a Project automatically created in its Beesy.
This way, delegating Tasks is integrated to Project Management.

From the People Tab, you can also easily Access to the Actions your Contact are assigned to. Assigning Actions from this Tab is quick and turns the process of delegating Tasks much more simple.

First, go to the People Tab. On the left you can see your Contacts and browse them in order to see their already assigned actions. To assign an Action to a Contact you just have to click on his name and then click on the Action you would like to assign.
The Action will be automatically assigned to the Contact you first selected, as you can see in the Trigram of the Action.

delegating tasks
delegating tasks

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