New features: Your actions with attachments directly from your mails and Dashboard views optimization

June 22, 2017
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Need to turn emails into actions without losing information?

Mail To Task is the new solution to gather all your tasks in Beesy: it turns your emails into tasks directly into the relevant Beesy project.
You will save time by creating actions automatically in your Beesy instead of typing them 1 by 1 and then including attachments.
From now onwards, you will receive attachments and the mail itself in the form of a task in the specified project.
If the project location is undefined, then they will appear in the in the Mailbox project which will automatically be created when doing your first Mail To Task.

To this end :

  • Transfer your mails to your Beesy mail address (accessible via the options and “My account” in the “Create from email data” tab. Your Mail To Task Beesy address is written as such: “beesyme-task-……”).
  • The mail object will become the name of the task in Beesy.
  • Then, you receive the mails directly into the new Mailbox project accessible via the Projects tab.
  • You wish you could directly send it into a specified project?
    No problem, you simply need to type : #(Project name) in the subject field of the mail, for example : #(Projet test)

N.B. : Note that the specified project must exist for the mails to be sent into it; it cannot create new projects from you mailbox (apart from the default Mailbox project).


New features:

  • Keep all the history and the context of your email exchanges with the new feature that allows you to receive the entire email content in EML format (see the illustration below).
  • Receive automatically your downloadable mail attachments into the task created in your Beesy Mailbox Project.
Mail to task
  • As to one-word project names, you can omit brackets in the mail object. For example: #Projectname is enough, no need to type #(Projectname)

It should be noted as well that although automatically importing attachments and the text of the email is enabled by default, you can disable it whenever you want in “My settings”.

N.B. : You can now move the Mailbox project.

Dashboard improvement gives you a better visibility of your activity


The dashboard is your principal activity management tool. It allows you to view all entered or received actions in Beesy via a multi-filters system: you can view all your actions and these assigned, on-going actions, delayed or completed ones, by project, person, date, and so on.

New features:

  • The “Everyone” filter displays all actions from a shared project you partake in, with the tasks’ owner over a defined time rang

As showed on the picture below, this allows you to manage a project entirely from your Dashboard with the Eisenhower view. You can see all actions from a project and can change the owner of an action, the deadline, the contents of the actions or indicate the progress of the action at the click of a button.

Mail to task
  • Add quickly a task via the Dashboard: Enter the task in the top sidebar called “+Create a task”, and simply press “Enter” right after specifying the task details (contents, due date, owner, project). The task will be automatically created and added to your project as well as being instantly visible in your Dashboard.
  • Pilot easily all your important actions by hiding all non important actions in the Eisenhower matrix:Using this option gives you extra space for viewing more important tasks at once without having to scroll the Eisenhower matrix cases down.
    You will get a better general visibility which allows you to ease your activity management. The Eisenhower matrix is composed of 4 parts, including the 2 bottom parts displaying the non important actions.
    These two cases “Non Important/Non Urgent” and “Non Important/Urgent” are now automatically closed if they do not own any action.
    However, if you wish to open them, what you need to do is simply click the red-framed button as shown on the illustration hereinbelow.
Mail to task
Mail to task

And many other new features:

  • You can copy/paste again the contents of an action that you do not own.
    As shown below, you just need to access “My settings” and click “Activate context menu on action right click” to activate this option.
    If the option if disabled though, you will then have access the the classic menu proposing to correct misspellings.
Mail to task
Mail to task
  • Always display the topic/project of an action:

Simplify your tasks management in any view by specifying the context TOPIC/PROJECT for every task.

This new option gets rid of the waste of time when one wonders whence such and such action comes from. You will have the context of every task before your eyes: at the bottom of every task you can read the name of the project of the topic to which it belongs.

You can activate this option via the settings.

  • You wish to view only your own created actions?

    In the Dashboard, Actions and People tabs, you can now hide actions belonging to the common group notes created by your colleagues.

To do so, you need to access “My settings” and enable/disable the option: “Hide shared actions on Dashboard, Actions and People” according to the time of the day: display them to have a broad view of the project, conceal them to concentrate on your own tasks.

  • An action can be turned into a call or a mail: change the type of action (See the illustration below).

To optimize your action plans management, you need to change an action to another type. For instance an action turns into a call or an email to send. It is now available on all your Beesy tools: PC, iPad and iPhone.

Mail to task

Join the 60 000 users

who improve their task management with Beesy


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