Beesy – sync iOS reminders with iCloud

février 2, 2015
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How sync iOS reminders with iCloud ?

The sync iOS reminders of your Beesy actions can be done with the server iCloud (Apple).
Below you will find the details to activate and sync iOS reminders to find the actions entered in Beesy in your iPhone or MacBook and manage your ToDo at any time of the day.
Click here to read the article on “Manage and synchronize tasks with reminders”.

Warning: please checking that Beesy is authorized to access the “Reminders” on your iPhone or iPad. To check, go to the application “Settings”> “Privacy”.

Your iPad settings

Setting up your iCloud synchronization must be done on your iPad and iPhone. Without these two steps, you cannot properly synchronize your Beesy action lists with Reminders.

numero 1 1 - sync iOS remindersFirst Step

Go to your application “Settings” on your iPad, and then click the tab “Mail, Contacts, Calendar”.
You must select your account “iCloud” that you have set on your iCloud account creation.

reminders with icloud
reminders with icloud

numero 2 - sync iOS remindersSecond Step

Once in your iCloud email account, you have the list of options related to this account.
You must check the “Reminders” once made a confirmation message will appear to confirm the activation of your Reminders iCloud account.

numero 3 - sync iOS remindersThird Step

Once the activation “Reminders” to your iCloud email account is made, go to your iPad app “Reminders”.
You must see that your iCloud account is properly synchronized with Reminders as it appears in the right image.

Your iPhone and MacBook settings

Once the settings to sync iOS reminders on your iPad is configured, you must repeat the same steps on your iPhone and MacBook.
Go in your application “Settings”> “Mail, Contacts, Calendars” and repeat the steps listed above.

reminders with icloud
reminders with icloud

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