Les nouveautés de Beesy - janvier 2013

Easily write notes on iPad from your previous notes with Beesy 1.50

écrit par christopher.mesquita
janvier 23, 2013

Write notes on iPad the easy way

Among Beesy 1.50 new features, you now have the ability to write notes on iPad using one of your existing note, making it as simple as a tap of a button.

How does it work ?

Many Beesy users told us that they were having the same type of meeting on a recurring basis, discussing the same agenda with the same participants.
Up until now, to write your notes on iPad you had to create your new note in Beesy and type this information a second time for each agenda topic and participant.
From now on, no need to type everything again. Simply tap the “From a previous note” button to speed up the process and gain more time. Beesy will create a new note instantly and generate the new agenda and participants from the existing note you selected.

Create a new note

We have designed a seamless workflow so that creating a note from a previous note is as simple as creating a new note.
Whenever you tap on the “+” button in the Notes tab, Beesy will now let you choose between adding a new note or creating one for a former note.
Easily write notes on iPad from your previous notes with Beesy 1.50
Once you tapped the “From a previous note” button, Beesy will display the list of your notes (example : Recette 1.5 ; Business meeting ; ToDo 2013).
You will be able to browse this list to find the one you want to duplicate or use the search feature at the top of the list (scroll down the list to make it appear).
Search will enable you to further filter the list and find the correct note much faster.
If you want to verify the agenda for a note, tap the icon left to the name of the note. By tapping on it, Beesy will display the current agenda for this note.
Once you found the correct note, select your note by tapping on it. Beesy will display a checkmark on the right. Just tap the “Save” button.
Easily write notes on iPad from your previous notes with Beesy 1.50
You just created a note from an existing note, Beesy will let you change its title, the project to which it is assigned as well as the note language. By default, Beesy will use the configuration defined for the meeting you selected.
Easily write notes on iPad from your previous notes with Beesy 1.50
As soon as you hit the “Save” button, your note is ready and preconfigured with all the necessary information. You just have to start typing.
Easily write notes on iPad from your previous notes with Beesy 1.50

Discover all the 1.50 features

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