6 issues of the Impact of Information Technology on Business

septembre 18, 2016

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The 6 Today Issues of the Impact of Information Technology on BusinessThere is an ICT revolution taking place in our society and, by extension, in the workplace. However this revolution isn’t a punctual change of our Civilization but a progressive evolution. As a matter of fact, if the impacts of ICTs in the workplace are beginning to be clearly identified, Professionals and Organization behavioral are still adapting to the new Digital Paradigm.
As a consequence, the potential Productivity Improvements allowed by ICTs have yet to be fulfilled.More precisely, there are 6 Professional fields where the potential productivity improvements are huge and waiting to be unleashed.

1. Mobility

Professionals have gone mobile. The workplace isn’t restricted to the office anymore thanks to the information flow made possible by ICTs and for an insignificant price. The impact of Information Technology on Business and on the way we work has numerous aspects with some highly valuable ones such as an increased Productivity. However, it also brought new issues regarding the way we handle information. A paradoxical one relates to the duplication of the information, which is costless nowadays: 38%* of our work time is spent duplicating professional information and at the same time, there are sometimes 10 copies of the same documents.
The overuse of photocopies back in the days seems to have taken the digital turn. Too much photocopies meant a higher office resources cost for an eventually improved productivity (too let several people work on the same document for example), but nowadays, too much digital copies of a same documents is almost costless but can harm office productivity with such a level of time spent duplicating.

Impact of information technology on business

2. Work Tools

The ICTs have brought new tools for us to work: Internet, Smartphones, Tablets, Cloud services, etc. These new tools make now part of the mostly used device and services at work. E-mail is the main channel of communication for business and they can now be consulted anywhere thanks to Smartphones and Tablets. As a matter of fact, 40%* of the Emails are read on a Smartphone.
Furthermore, these devices are also heavily used in the private life, which lead 95%* of professionals to use their own material for professional purpose.

3. Synchronisation

Nonetheless, the ICT revolution is not a punctual event but a continuous process. The complete impact of Information Technology on Business remains in-progress while our way of working hasn’t fully taken the digital turn yet. If information is accessible anywhere anytime, even the most mobile worker can’t duplicate. Thereby, it takes one month in average* to manage a meeting with 5 members of the Executive Committee. Moreover, 1 over 3 meeting participants* declare that they could be attending it remotely.

Impact of information technology on business

4. Digitization

On one hand, people continue digitizing information already existing in a numeric format. More precisely, 42%* of the documents being digitized already exist in a numeric format.
One the other hand, 90%* of meeting notes are taken on paper and kept unshared and 15%* of an Enterprise Surface is used for stocking Paper.
The impact of Information Technology on Business isn’t completely embraced by the Entreprises which often continue applying old schemes to new tools.

5. Information Management

As it is said above, Email is now the main channel for professional communication. However many professional often face an overload of emails. A consequence is that for an important proportion of them, finding one relevant information implies dealing with 75 emails*. This way, professionals spend 1 days a week treating Emails* on average.
Thus, managing Emails has become a serious part of professionals work but the Email Management remains a field waiting to be optimized.

Impact of information technology on business: Paper by Apps for Europe

6. Information Analysis

The analysing and processing of information still lacks efficiency. A report that can take one month long to be written can be compromised with a single question.

Furthermore, while 15%* of the time is spent on Excel, only 17%* of professionals use the Pivot Table function.

Impact of information technology: Email

To conclude, the Impact of Information Technology on Business is progressive and the same goes for Management. A majority of old schemes and habits remains in many organization while new ICT tools are being adopted by almost all companies. This paradox leaves many areas for improvements which is very encouraging for the Future of ICTs in the workplace.*The figures in this article are taken from this Microsoft Infographic.

The Beesy SolutionAs an answer to these issues there is the Beesy Solution. The iPad app Beesy associated to the Beesy.me platform offers to integrate the benefits of ICTs into your business routine in order to take the most out of it.

Our Solution addresses 6 main subject of concern for professionals:

  • An All-in-one App to consolidate your information (calendar, notes, to-do, people, projects).
  • A fast and smart note taking app.
  • Professional meeting minutes in less than 1 minute.
  • Automated to-do management from these notes.
  • Team management by assigning actions during notes.
  • Priority management by assigning notes to goals and projects.

Thanks to our online version, the Beesy Solution becomes Ubiquitous and Collaborative:

  • Your Business data is critical and thus it is automatically and safely secured on our cloud servers.
  • Once in our cloud, business data become available on any device, including Mac, PC, iPad and iPad mini.
  • Beesy.me Team Collaborative services are Collaborative Note-Taking and Collaborative Projects. These Real-Time Collaboration features improve Teamwork and Communication within your Team.

More precisely, the Note-Taking feature allows you a fast and paperless note taking on your iPad or laptop and soon from your Notepad with LiveScribe. The Beesy Notes let you attach any type of documents to it that will be shared with the Notes if needed, which could avoid the unnecessary digitization of documents.Moreover, with the Export features associated to the Note Taking system, generate and share Meeting Minutes and Activity Reports in an instant. This way the sharing of information is enhanced, quicker and avoid unnecessary duplication of information.The Mail-To-Task allows you to turn a Mail into a Task very easily and quickly for more effective Email Management.

Join our 60 000 users

who improve their activity management with Beesy


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