Secure, Synchronize, Backup and Restore your Data

You spent hours taking meeting notes with Beesy.
Documents, photos and sketches related to your action plans are stored in Beesy’s projects.
But it is often when a PROBLEM occurs that we realize the importance of these informations and the urgency to have them available.

You overthrow coffee on you iPad!

It even happens to the best of us.
A misplaced glass or cup of coffee on your desk and all its content is spilled on your iPad.
In just a few seconds, it’s a nightmare: no more access to your information and your meeting begins in 5 minutes.

Using SYNC option all your data concerning your meetings, actions and projects is automatically saved into the cloud. You just need an internet connection. With your login/password you can retrieve any information from your project plans and even use Beesy for your meeting.

save 15 minutes per meeting

One simple mistake … and all your data are gone

A simple click and you erased the wrong note. The minutes of your two hours meeting are gone.
You can’t remember all the actions you had to do and you lost the brainstorming sketches pictures.

With SYNC no more deleted informations. You can restore it at any time on in the “Undelete” menu. You just have to choose the notes and the actions you want to restore.

save 15 minutes per meeting

Too much information means no information at all

Your data is so critical for your activity that you might not want to erase anything. You never know, if one day you might need it.
But more than ten projects in your Project’s view clutters your iPad and blurs your priorities.

How then make a difference between my closed, current and planned projects?

With PRO, archive your closed projects or notes and keep only the current ones in your workspace .
On, you will be able to access all your archived data by notes or projects if needed.

save 15 minutes per meeting

With Beesy SYNC and PRO stop loosing your data.

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